Pediatric Dentistry

When your child becomes an adult, how many clean and healthy tooth would you like your child to keep?
It is better to have straight teeth as much as possible, don't think so?
Once you lose your own tooth, you can not get it again.
It is very important for even small children to care daily as well as adults to prevent tooth decay.
Especially children 's decay proceeds more quickly than you think, so parents need to be careful and deal with it early.
In Sakura Dental Clinic, we talk to children who are being treated for the first time, explain the equipment, etc.,
and move to the treatment while relaxing the tension according to the pace of the child.
Parents can enter the clinic with their children, so please hold hands and support your children by all means.
By getting used to the clinic's atmosphere by receiving a regular medical examination on a routine basis,
even when treatment is needed, you can easily go to the hospital without feeling fear.
Baby teeth begin to grow around 8 months old.
About 1 year and a half, a total of 16 upper and lower front teeth and 4 back teeth grow, a total of 16 baby teeth grow, and when he is around 2 and a half to 3 years old, 20 full baby teeth grow together.
There are regular medical examinations such as a 1 year and a half checkup and a 3-year-old child medical examination at this time, so please visit the clinic once if you have any concerns.
When it is time to change to permanent teeth, the baby teeth and permanent teeth are mixed in the mouth, it becomes hard to brush teeth in places without teeth, and the risk of dental caries increases.
It is also an important time to develop jaws and tooth alignment, so it is recommended that you check regularly at the clinic and check it.
Sometimes, we hear the voice of the parents saying "I will take you to the dentist if you are bad.
" As much as possible, please do not let the way to tell giving a child a disgusting image because a child is afraid of it.
If you cheat your child to the clinic and say "You will just go only today," sometimes distrust is made to emerge when treatment actually begins.
When treatment is necessary, please be sure to communicate correctly.
Children also become uneasy if their parents become nervous.
Even at the first time, please relax and visit us.。
If you ask your child "Doesn't it hurt?" "Don't you fear?", He may feel uneasy or cry, reacting to that word.
Please make a reservation during the time when your child is in a good mood as much as possible. Avoid nap or snack time.
After treatment, please praise your child "You did your best". Your child will be able to work hard with confidence for the next treatment as well.
Children often get injured in unexpected places. If your child falls down or hits his teeth and get scratched, by being treated soon so that it will be harder to leave influences at teeth and chin in the future.
If your child has the following symptoms, please come as soon as possible.